Sunday, June 28, 2015

Child Safe Environments: Providing A Safe And Better Future For Kids

It is important for individuals to ensure the safety of a child. This is needed in order to provide them with a bright future. However, there are numerous issues and environmental changes that have affected the growth of children such as increasing crime rates, unstable family relationships and even poverty.

Because of this, more and more children experience dreadful events in their life that can ruin their future. Luckily, there are institutions that offer reliable services to cater to the needs of children such as Child Safe Environments.

Facts about Child Safe Environments

Child Safe Environments is known as the Mandated Notifiers Program. This program is created in order to deal with child abuse and neglect cases.

Child Safe Environments is a website that offers child safe training to anyone, anywhere, at any time so that they have the opportunity to learn and refresh their knowledge on reporting child abuse and neglect.

Child Safe environment reflects the vision of the government of South Australia, that the whole community will endeavour to care for and protect children through building stronger, more child-focused communities.

As of now, Child Safe Environments website offers training services for you and your staff.

Training For Me

3 Hour    Refresher – This is an online CSE refresher course for individuals who have completed the 7 hour Child Safe Environments course before.

7 Hour Refresher - This is an online Child Safe Environments training for individuals who work or volunteer for children in South Australia.

Training For My Staff

As for the training for your staff, Child Safe Environments also offers the 3 hour and 7 hour refresher courses. Apart from that, you can also opt for group/corporate CSE courses. Listed below are some effective ways to do so.

Coupon Code – You can simply send an invoice for the amount, and then provide a coupon code for you to give to your staff. After which, your staff can then access the website at their convenience, go through the ‘checkout’ process, and when they enter the coupon code the cost will change to zero.

Dedicated Web Portal - This option requires a once off establishment fee, and then a small monthly payment from then on, for your company/organisation to have access to unlimited Child Safe Environments training.

Get in on your LMS - If your company/organisation already has a Learning Management System in place, it is likely that they can convert a version of the course so that it runs on your own system, on your server, so your staff can access the training seamlessly.

In case that you want to know more about Child Safe Environments, you can visit to help kids have a bright future.

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